Setting Options

Option Name
Decision Limits
specifies whether to compute the decision limits by using the current input data set or to compute the decision limits from a different data set.
  • If you want to compute the decision limits by using the current data, you must specify the probability of Type I error.
  • If you want to compute the data from a different data set, select Use stored limits. Then select the data set to use. Each observation in a LIMITS= data set provides decision limit information for a response. The data set that you select must be a LIMITS= data set. In the Analysis of Means task, you can create this data set by selecting the Save decision limits check box on the Output tab.
Tabular Output
Display table of points that exceed limits
creates a basic table for those subgroups for which decision limits are exceeded. Each row of the table corresponds to a subgroup. For each subgroup, the table shows the sample size, the group mean, and the upper and lower control limits.
Inset Options
You can specify whether to include an insert table in the output. You can also choose the statistics to include in this table: significance level, degrees of freedom, average of group means, and mean square error.