Assigning Data to Roles

To run the Replace Missing Values task, you must select an input data source. To filter the input data source, click Filter Icon.
Replace missing values with the mean
replaces missing values with the mean for the variable.
Replace missing values with the pseudo-median
replaces missing values with the pseudo-median of the variable. If there is no nonmissing value, the pseudo-median is 0.
Replace missing values with a random number
replaces missing values with a random value that is drawn between the minimum and maximum of the variable. If there is no nonmissing value, the random value is 0.
Additional Roles
Frequency count
lists a numeric variable whose value represents the frequency of the observation. If you assign a variable to this role, the task assumes that each observation represents n observations, where n is the value of the frequency variable. If n is not an integer, SAS truncates it. If n is less than 1 or is missing, the observation is excluded from the analysis. The sum of the frequency variable represents the total number of observations.