Setting the Options

Option Name
Center data only
specifies that you want to use either the mean or median standardization method.
Standardization method
specifies that you want to use one of these standardization methods:
  • Standard deviation (which is the default and the method most often associated with standardization)
  • Andrew’s wave estimate. The tuning constant for this method must be greater than 0. The default value is 4.7.
  • Euclidean length
  • Huber’s estimate. The tuning constant for this method must be greater than 0. The default value is 1.
  • Interquartile range
  • Maximum absolute value
  • Median absolute deviation
  • Minkowski
  • Range
  • Sum
  • Tukey’s biweight estimate. The tuning constant for this method must be greater than 0. The default value is 6. (Goodall 1983)
  • Art, Gnanadesikan, and Kettenring estimate
  • Minimum spacing
Treatment of Missing Values
Missing values method
specifies whether to omit observations with missing value or to replace the missing value. You can replace the missing values with one of these options:
  • Default location measure, which is the location measure used by the selected centering or standardization method
  • Mean
  • Median
  • Minimum
  • Specify custom value, which enables you to specify the value for all variables that are being standardized
Display location and scale measures
displays the location and scale measures in the results. These measures give you an idea of what the standardization process accomplished.