Selection Method
No selection method
is used, and all variables are included in the model.
Stepwise selection begins
with no variables in the model. To add a variable to the model, the F statistic
must be significant. The significance level is specified in the Significance
level for adding a variable text box.
At each step, all variables
in the model are evaluated for retention. Any variable that does not
have a significant F statistic is removed.
The significance level is specified in the Significance
level for retaining a variable text box.
The stepwise process
ends when either of these conditions is met:
The forward selection
method begins with no variables in the model. For each of the explanatory
variables, this method calculates F statistics
that reflect the variable's contribution to the model. The p-values
for these F statistics are compared to the
significance level in the Significance level for adding
a variable text box. By default, this value is 0.15.
If no F statistic has a significance level
greater than this value, the forward selection stops.
Otherwise, the forward
selection method adds the variable with the largest F statistic
to the model. The forward selection method then calculates F statistics
again for the variables that remain outside the model, and the evaluation
process is repeated. Thus, variables are added one by one to the model
until no remaining variable produces a significant F statistic.
After a variable is added to the model, it stays there.
The backward selection
method begins by calculating F statistics for
all the explanatory variables. Then the variables are deleted from
the model one by one until all the variables that remain in the model
produce significant F statistics. The significance
level is specified in the Significance level for retaining
a variable text box. By default, this value is 0.15.
At each step, the variable that shows the smallest contribution to
the model is deleted.