Write a Program

It is easier than ever to program in SAS. All you need to do is open your browser, start SAS Studio, and start writing your program. As you enter your code, you’ll notice that SAS Studio has several features to help you reduce your programming time, including autocomplete for hundreds of SAS statements and procedures as well as built-in syntax help that includes links to the more extensive SAS Product Documentation.
Code Example That Shows Autocomplete and Syntax Help
To get started, let’s write a very simple program that uses a sample SAS table from the Sashelp library. Open SAS Studio and enter the following code in the Program 1 window that is created automatically for you:
proc print data=sashelp.class;
Note: If you need to create a new program window, open the Folders section of the navigation pane. Then click New SAS program button and select SAS Program.
To run the code, click Run buttonon the toolbar. The Results tab opens automatically with a listing of the data in the Class table.
Results from PROC PRINT Statement