What If I Have an Error?

If you have an error in your SAS code, SAS Studio makes it easy to identify the problem. Let’s add an error to your original program and see how it works.
Click the Code tab to open your program. Add a new line after the first line of the program and enter this text:
Your program should look like this:
proc print data=sashelp.class;
Click Run button to run the program. This time, the Log tab opens automatically to show you that you have an error.
Log with Errors
In the Errors, Warnings, Notes section, expand Errors to view a description of the error. Click the error message, and SAS Studio highlights it for you in the log so that you can see exactly where the error occurred.
Log with Error Expanded and Selected
You can return to your program and correct the error. However, if you have a very long and complicated program that has a lot of errors, you might want to return to an earlier version of your program in which you knew all the code was correct. SAS Studio maintains a log, or submission history, with entries for each time you run a program, so you can easily return to an earlier version of a program.
To find an earlier version of your program, click the Code tab to view the current version of your program. On the toolbar, click Submission history button and then click the first version of the program.
Program Window with Submission History
The original version of your program opens in a new window from which you can copy and paste the error-free code into your original program or into a new program.