About the Dependencies Element

The Dependencies element specifies how certain options rely on one another in order for the task to work properly. For example, a check box can enable or disable a text box depending on whether the check box is selected. The Dependencies element is a grouping mechanism for the individual Dependency tags. There are no attributes associated with this element.
The Dependencies element can have multiple Dependency tags. Each Dependency tag has a condition attribute that is resolved to determine the state of the targets.
The Target element has three required attributes.
References the option that will receive the action.
Specifies when to execute the action. The valid values for this attribute are true and false.
  • If the condition is true and conditionResult=true, the action is executed.
  • If the condition is false and conditionResult=false, the action is executed.
  • If the value of the condition and conditionResult do not match (for example, one is true and one is false), the action is ignored.
Specifies the action to execute. Here are the valid values:
  • show
  • hide
  • enable
  • disable
  • set
    If the value of the action attribute is set, you must also specify these two attributes:
    • The property attribute refers to the attribute of an element that was created from the metadata. The option element in the metadata has an inputType attribute that specifies what UI element is created.
      With a few exceptions, any attribute that is listed for an input type is a valid value for the property attribute of a Target element. The invalid values are required, width, indent, and variable.
    • The value attribute is the value to use for the target of the property attribute.