Setting Up Users in the Metadata

After you install the enterprise edition of SAS Studio, you need to specify your users in the metadata. You can do this by using SAS Management Console.
  1. Open SAS Management Console.
    • In Windows operating environments, select Startthen selectProgramsthen selectSASthen selectSAS Management Console 9.4.
    • In UNIX operating environments, run SASHome/SASManagementConsole/9.4/sasmc.
  2. In the Log On dialog box, enter sasadm@saspw as the user ID and the password for this account. (You specified this password when you created the sasadm account in the SAS Deployment Wizard.)
  3. On the Plug-ins tab, expand the SAS Management Consolethen select Environment Management folders.
  4. Right-click User Manager and select Newthen selectUser. The New User Properties dialog box appears.
  5. On the General tab, specify the name of the user.
  6. Click the Accounts tab, and then click New. The New Login Properties dialog box appears.
  7. In the User ID text box, enter the operating system account for the user. Click OK.
    Note: If your deployment supports Integration Windows Authentication (IWA), you need to use two logons. For the first logon, include the domain with your user ID, such as domain\user ID. For the second logon, use only your user ID.
  8. Click OK to close the New User Properties dialog box.
You can also specify your users in the metadata by using SAS Environment Manager. For more information, see SAS Environment Manager: User’s Guide