Working with SAS Workspace Servers

About SAS Workspace Servers in the SAS Studio Mid-Tier Edition

In your deployment of SAS Studio Mid-Tier, you can have multiple SAS Workspace Servers. Depending on where your content is saved, you might need to connect to a different SAS Workspace Server. Once you select a SAS Workspace Server, the selection persists, and this is your default SAS Workspace Server when you launch SAS Studio. By default, SAS Studio connects to the first available workspace server.
Note: If you manually configured your servers, you must set the reconnect option to allow SAS Studio to reconnect to a server. When you manually configure your servers, the reconnect option is turned off by default, so if a user must disconnect from a server, the user cannot reconnect to that server.
To access the content on a SAS Workspace Server, you must log on to the workspace server.
Note: If the workspace server is not in the same authentication domain as the metadata server, the logon for SAS Studio might not be valid for that workspace server. In this case, a logon with a user name and password must exist in the metadata for that user. The authentication domain of the logon must match the authentication domain of the workspace server. A mismatch of authentication domains might occur when the metadata server tier and SAS Server tier are on two different operating environments, such as Windows and UNIX. In this case, the SAS Studio user needs two logons (one for each authentication domain) defined in the metadata.

How to Set Up Multiple SAS Workspace Servers with Different Root Directories

Create a New SAS Workspace Server

To create a new SAS Workspace Server:
  1. Log on to SAS Management Console.
  2. On the Plug-ins tab, right-click the Server Manager folder and select New Server. The New Server Wizard appears.
  3. For the SAS server, select SAS Application Server and click Next.
  4. In the next step, click Next again.
  5. Select Workspace Server and click Next.
  6. Click Next and in the last step, click Finish.
The new workspace server now appears in the left pane.

How to Set Up Different Root Directories

SAS Studio users access their files and folders from the Server Files and Folders section in the navigation pane. The root directories in this section are determined by the settings in SAS Management Console.
To set up different root directories:
  1. Open SAS Management Console.
  2. On the Plug-ins tab, expand the Server Manager folder, and then expand the name-of-workspace-server folder.
  3. Right-click the name-of-workspace-server – Workspace Server folder and select Properties. The Properties dialog box appears.
  4. Click the Options tab and click Advanced Options. The Advanced Options dialog box appears.
  5. Click the File Navigation tab to set these options:
    • SAS User Root displays your home directory (for UNIX and z/OS environments) or your My Documents folder (for Windows environments) from the Server Files and Folders section. SAS User Root is the default setting.
      Here is an example of SAS User Root in a Windows environment:
      Folder Shortcuts and My Documents Folder in SAS User Root
      If you are connecting to a z/OS environment, a My z/OS Files node might also be available. This node contains any z/OS data sets that use the value of the SYSPREF option as the high-level qualifier. (Use PROC OPTIONS to determine the current setting of the SYSPREF option.)
      In the My z/OS Files node, partitioned data sets and their members are displayed in a hierarchy. You can create folder shortcuts to these partitioned data sets. In the Server Files and Folders section, amber icons indicate that a node is from the z/OS file system.
    • System Root displays your user root directory for that server and any drives on the selected server. By default, folder shortcuts are created to your home directory (for UNIX and z/OS environments) or to your My Documents folder (for Windows environments).
      Here is an example of System Root in a Windows environment:
      Folder Shortcuts and Defined Drives for Windows Server
    • Path enables you to specify the root directory for file navigation. You can use the <userid> token to specify different directory paths for individual users. The custom path that you specify must exist. An example of a directory path is /tmp/<userid>. If no tokens are specified, the root directory is the same for all SAS Studio users.
      Here is an example of a custom root directory in a Windows environment:
      Custom Root Directory in Windows

Select the SAS Workspace Server in the SAS Studio Mid-Tier Edition

In SAS Studio, a user can change the contents of the Server Files and Folder section by connecting to a different SAS Workspace Server. To change the SAS Workspace Server in SAS Studio, click More Button and select Change SAS Workspace Server. The SAS Studio user can select from these options:
  • server-name-1, which is set by the SAS User Root option in SAS Management Console
  • server-name-2, which is set by the System Root option in SAS Management Console
  • server-name-3, which is set by the Path option in SAS Management Console