Specifying the Web Browser to Use for SAS Studio

SAS Studio opens in the default browser for the local computer. You can specify an alternate browser for each user or for the entire machine.
To specify an alternate browser for a user:
  1. In the %userprofile%\.sasstudiohost_3.4 directory, create a file called config.properties.
  2. In the config.properties file, set the BROWSERPATH property. Here is an example that uses Mozilla Firefox: browserpath=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Mozilla Firefox\\firefox.exe
  3. Save the config.properties file.
To specify an alternate browser for the local computer:
  1. In the installation directory for SAS Studio (for example, C:\Program Files\SASHome\SASStudioSingleUser\3.4), open the jvmoptions.cfg file.
  2. Add the –D option to set the browser path. In this example, the browser path is set for Microsoft Internet Explorer: -Dbrowserpath=C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe.
  3. Save the jvmoptions.cfg file.