What Are Structured Web Services?

Starting in SAS 9.3, all stored processes are available individually for execution using SAS BI Web Services without any action required on your part. You no longer have to run the Deploy as Web Service wizard in SAS Management Console. For every stored process, you can obtain a description of the structure of input and output web service messages that can be used to invoke the stored process. The document that describes this structure is called a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file. SAS BI Web Services automatically exposes a WSDL file for each and every stored process in your system. These WSDL files use XML to include detailed information about the inputs and outputs of each stored process using XML schema descriptions. Also, the WSDL file includes the URLs of endpoints to use to invoke these stored processes by using the SOAP protocol over HTTP. Typically, you use these WSDL files to automatically generate code in your client framework that can be used to invoke the web services. Structured web services are all SAS BI Web Services that can expose a WSDL file that describes their inputs and outputs. Structured web services are all non-XMLA SAS BI Web Services.
Having all the type information in the WSDL is better suited to most client applications, and also makes things simpler for you. Making the WSDL more specific to the actual parameters instead of having a generic interface enables you to simplify the request XML. Making the WSDL more specific also makes it easier to consume the web service with standard web service client applications such as BizTalk, InfoPath, Word, SharePoint, Excel, AJAX, Oracle WebLogic, and WebSphere, or in general any framework that can generate proxies from WSDL and schema.
In addition to being able to access stored processes directly from a web service endpoint, you can also group multiple stored processes together into a single web service. These web services are called generated web services. You might choose to use the grouping mechanism because it might reduce the amount of generated client code in your application. Many web service client frameworks produce a proxy object for each web service, and grouping stored processes into a single web service could reduce the number of generated proxy objects to one.
All structured web services support SOAP over HTTP and RESTful invocation using JSON and plain XML. Depending on the message format - SOAP, JSON, or plain XML - different features of structured web services are available for you to use. SOAP is a recognized enterprise format with many existing standards that describe how to interact with web services of this type. SAS BI Web Services support WS-Security for securing messages and the WS-I Attachments Profile for attaching binary content to request and response messages when using the SOAP transport. SOAP endpoints also expose a WSDL file that describes the inputs and outputs of the request and response messages, respectively. This enables you to use client frameworks to generate proxies that invoke these web services and reduces the amount of code that you have to write to integrate with SAS Stored Processes.
Starting in SAS 9.3, SAS BI Web Services also expose all structured web services as RESTful resources that can be invoked by using either JSON or plain XML inputs and outputs. JSON is a popular message format typically used by AJAX web applications because JSON is a native data representation in JavaScript. However, JSON can be used from any client. Plain XML is an ideal message format for situations where SOAP libraries are not available or the complexity and features of SOAP are not desired. When using plain XML to communicate with SAS BI Web Services, use the same XML format as you would use with SOAP, but SOAP headers, SOAP elements, and namespaces can all be omitted.
See Creating SAS BI Web Services for more information about creating and accessing structured web services.