Accessing SOAP Endpoints for Stored Processes and Generated Web Services

Every structured web service can be invoked by using SOAP. The full range of stored process input and output types are supported when using SOAP, as are attachments and WS-Security headers.

SOAP Endpoints for Stored Processes

To access the SOAP endpoint for a particular stored process, use the following pattern: http://host:port/SASBIWS/services/stored_process_path. Replace host and port with the host name and port number where your SAS middle tier and SAS BI Web Services are running. If you do not know the host and port of your middle tier, you can find it by using the Configuration Manager plug-in for SAS Management Console or by asking your SAS administrator. Replace stored_process_path with the full metadata path of the stored process that you want to access. If there are any special characters that appear in the stored process name or path, you must URL encode those special characters (many web service frameworks do this automatically). For example, replace any spaces in the path or name with the value %20.
For example, if your SAS middle tier is hosted on on port 8080 and you want to access the endpoint for the stored process named Sample: Hello World that is stored in the metadata folder /Products/SAS Intelligence Platform/Samples, construct the following URL: You can access the WSDL files for these SOAP endpoints by appending ?WSDL to the endpoint URL (for example,
Note: By default, WSDLs are cached. The WSDL that is returned for the first request is also returned for all subsequent requests until you reset the WSDL cache. You can clear the cache by using the WsdlCache MBean, by reloading the SAS BI Web Services WAR file, or by restarting the application server. When the cache is cleared, it is cleared for all web services and stored processes. You can reload a WSDL for an individual service or stored process by specifying reload=true as a query parameter when accessing the WSDL (for example, http://localhost/SASBIWS/services/myService?wsdl&reload=true).

SOAP Endpoints for Generated Web Services

When generating web services using the Deploy as Web Service wizard in SAS Management console, the endpoint URL of the new service is shown after the wizard completes. This URL will be of the form http://host:port/SASBIWS/services/serviceName. You can find the URL of a generated web service endpoint at any time by using the Configuration Manager in SAS Management Console.