How Does SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint Work?

To run the SAS Web Parts for Microsoft SharePoint, you must have a SAS Metadata Server and a Microsoft SharePoint Server.
The SAS Web Parts Service runs on a Microsoft IIS Web Server and uses an integrated object model (IOM) to communicate with the SAS Metadata Server. If the SAS Metadata Server is inside a firewall, the SAS Web Parts Service must also be inside the firewall.
You need only one version of the SAS Web Parts Service. You can deploy the SAS Web Parts to as many site collections as you want and all of these sites can use the same service.
The machines that run Microsoft SharePoint can be either inside or outside the firewall. These machines should use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to communicate with the SAS Web Parts Service.
In this example topology diagram, all components are inside the firewall. Because the Microsoft SharePoint Server is inside the firewall, the Microsoft SharePoint Server and the SAS Web Parts Service can run on the same machine.
Topology Diagram with All Components Inside the Firewall with the Microsoft SharePoint Server and the SAS Web Parts Service on the Same Machine
Firewall Containing the SAS Metadata Server, Microsoft SharePoint Server, and SAS Web Parts Service
In this topology diagram, all components are inside the firewall, but the Microsoft SharePoint Server and the SAS Web Parts Service are running on different machines.
Topology Diagram with All Components Inside the Firewall and Running on Separate Machines
Firewall with the SAS Metadata Server, Microsoft SharePoint Server, and SAS Web Parts Service on Separate Machines
If the Microsoft SharePoint Server is outside the firewall, the SAS Web Parts Service must be on a Microsoft IIS Web Server that is inside the firewall, as shown in this topology diagram.
Topology Diagram with the Microsoft SharePoint Server Outside the Firewall
Topology Diagram Where the Microsoft SharePoint Server Is Outside the Firewall