Subsetting Data Using the Filter and Rank Dialog Box

Subset Data Using Filters

To subset data using filters:
  1. Right-click a measure or a hierarchy level, and then select Filter and Rank.
  2. In the Filter and Rank dialog box, select Filter.
  3. Select a Condition for the filter:
    Filter Conditions
    Is equal to
    specifies that a matching value must match the filter value exactly.
    Is not equal to
    specifies that a matching value must not match the filter value exactly.
    Is less than
    specifies that a matching value must be less than the filter value.
    Is less than or equal to
    specifies that a matching value must be less than or equal to the filter value.
    Is greater than
    specifies that a matching value must be greater than the filter value.
    Is greater than or equal to
    specifies that a matching value must be greater than or equal to the filter value.
  4. Enter a Value for the filter. The value in the text field must be an unformatted numeric value (for example, 23195.16 or 182249). If the value in the text field is not a numeric value, then a dialog box appears with the message "The filter value must be numeric."
  5. Click OK to apply the filter to your data view. The new filter appears in the Applied Filters viewer.
    Note: If the filter does not result in any matches, then a message appears in the Table (or Color Mapped Table) viewer: "All rows (columns) have been filtered out. Click here to remove the filter." Click on the link within the message to remove the filter and restore the table.

Subset Data Using Rankings

To subset the data using rankings:
  1. Right-click a measure or a hierarchy level, and then select Filter and Rank.
  2. In the Filter and Rank dialog box, select Rank.
  3. Create one of the following rankings:
    Count-Based Ranking
    In a count-based ranking, the rows with the greatest (or least) n values are returned, where n is the number of results that you specify in the text field.
    To create a count-based ranking:
    • Select Top to specify that you want the greatest values, or Bottom to specify that you want the least values.
    • Select Count from the drop-down list.
    • Specify the number of results that you want in the text field. To include ties, select Include ties.
    Percentile-Based Ranking
    In a percentile-based ranking, the rows that have values in the top (or bottom) nth percentile are returned, where n is the percentile that you specify in the text field.
    To create a percentile-based ranking:
    • Select Top to specify that you want the top percentile, or Bottom to specify that you want the bottom percentile.
    • Select Percent from the drop-down list.
    • Specify the percentile that you want in the text field.
      Note: The Include ties check box is disabled for this ranking type.
    Sum-Based Ranking
    In a sum-based ranking, the rows that have the least (or greatest) values that add up to n are returned, where n is the sum that you specify in the text field.
    To create a sum-based ranking:
    • Select Top to select the greatest values, or select Bottom to select the least values.
    • Select Sum from the drop-down list.
    • Specify the sum in the text field.
      Note: The Include ties check box is disabled for this filter type.
  4. Select OK to apply the ranking to your data view. The new ranking appears in the Applied Filters viewer.
    Note: The value in the text field must be an unformatted numeric value (for example, 23195.16 or 182249). If the value in the text field is not a numeric value, a dialog box appears with the message "The rank value must be numeric."