Add Member Properties

If member properties are available for the data that you are viewing, you can add the member properties to your viewers.
Note: You can add only member properties that contain character data.
To add member properties to your viewers:
  1. Select Datathen selectMember Properties from the main menu bar.
  2. The Available properties pane displays the member properties that are available. To add specific member properties, select the member properties that you want to apply, and then click Move to target Icon. To add all of the member properties, click Move all to target Icon.
  3. If a hierarchy level is associated with more than one member property, adjust the order of the member properties in the Selected properties pane. Click up arrow button to move the selected property up, or click down arrow button to move the selected property down.
    To remove the selected member property, click Move to source Icon. To remove all of the member properties, click Move all to source Icon.
  4. Click OK to apply your changes and return to the main SAS Web OLAP Viewer page.