Applying Conditional Highlighting to a Graph

Overview of Conditional Highlighting for Graphs

You can use conditional highlighting in a graph viewer to emphasize values that meet a specific condition. Conditions for highlighting are stored as highlighting rules. Highlighting rules specify which values are highlighted, and also specify style information for the highlighted values.
Note: For graph viewers, you cannot change the default style for a highlighting rule. In the default style, highlighted values are outlined in black, and any fill areas are overlaid with diagonal lines.
For example, you can create a highlighting rule that highlights all of the values that are greater than $10,000.00 for a particular measure. The following partial bar chart shows a highlighted bar on the left and an unhighlighted bar on the right.
Highlighted and Unhighlighted Bar Chart Values
Bar chart with highlighted and unhighlighted values

Create a New Highlighting Rule for a Graph

To create a new highlighting rule for a graph:
  1. From the graph viewer menu, select Datathen selectConditional Highlighting to open the Conditional Highlighting dialog box.
  2. Specify which Measure the rule applies to.
  3. Specify a Condition for the rule:
    Rule Conditions
    Is equal to
    a matching value must match the rule value exactly.
    Is not equal to
    a matching value must not match the rule value exactly.
    Less than
    a matching value must be less than the rule value.
    Less than or equal to
    a matching value must be less than or equal to the rule value.
    Greater than
    a matching value must be greater than the rule value.
    Greater than or equal to
    a matching value must be greater than or equal to the rule value.
    Is between
    a matching value must be between the Min value and Max value for the rule.
    Is missing value
    missing values match the rule.
  4. Specify a Value for the rule. You can either enter a numeric value, or you can select a measure from the drop-down list.
    • If you selected the Is missing value condition, do not specify a value.
    • If you selected the Is between condition, specify a minimum value in the Min value field and a maximum value in the Max value field.
  5. Specify which hierarchy levels the rule applies to.
    • To apply the rule to any level, select All hierarchy levels.
    • To apply the rule to specific levels:
      1. Select Selected hierarchy levels.
      2. Click Select. A new page appears, which enables you to select hierarchy levels.
      3. Select the levels that you want to apply the rule to, or click Set to Current to select the lowest level that is currently visible for each hierarchy.
      4. Click OK to return to the first page of the Conditional Highlighting dialog box.
  6. Click OK to apply the new highlighting rule and return to the main SAS Web OLAP Viewer page.

Remove Highlighting from a Graph

To remove conditional highlighting from a graph:
  1. From the graph viewer menu, select Datathen selectConditional Highlighting to open the Conditional Highlighting dialog box.
  2. Click Clear to clear the values.
  3. Click OK to return to the main SAS Web OLAP Viewer page.