
a stored view for an information map. Bookmarks enable you to save and restore changes to the default view for an information map.
a set of data that is organized and structured in a hierarchical, multidimensional arrangement. A cube includes measures, and it can have numerous dimensions and levels of data.
data exploration
a document that contains bookmarks. Data explorations enable you to group bookmarks that are created from the same data source.
data viewer
a component of an information map view that displays data as a table or a graph.
drill down
in a view of an OLAP cube, to start at one level of a dimension hierarchy and to click through one or more lower levels until you reach the data that you are interested in.
highlighting rule
a customized setting that formats the appearance of particular data values in a table or a graph.
information map
a collection of data items and filters that provides a user-friendly view of a data source. When you use an information map to query data for business needs, you do not have to understand the structure of the underlying data source or know how to program in a query language.
See online analytical processing.
online analytical processing
a software technology that enables users to dynamically analyze data that is stored in cubes. Short form: OLAP.
region identifier
a data item that associates values in a table with regions on a map.
SAS report
a report that has been stored in the SAS Report Model format. A SAS report might be available for viewing in the portal if your organization has installed SAS Web Report Studio.
tile chart
a graph that represents the relative values of data by using rectangular areas. The color of each area represents the value of the first measure in the query. The size of each area represents the value of the second measure in the query. The academic term for a tile chart is 'treemap.'