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Customizing the SAS/Warehouse Administrator Interface

Customizing the Components List for the Expression Builder Window


In SAS/Warehouse Administrator, you use the Expression Builder window to define a SAS expression, which can transform columns, provide conditional processing, calculate new values, and assign new values. For example, you could use the Expression Builder window when defining properties for a Mapping process to convert a character date into a SAS date.

In the Expression Builder window, under the label Components, is a list of expression components from which you select as you define an expression.

[untitled graphic]

SAS/Warehouse Administrator obtains the default list of expression components that display under the label Standard from the SAS data set SASHELP.WAXFORM. For example, the following Expression Builder window displays the default character formats:

[untitled graphic]

To add your own expression components, you can create a SAS data set named _SASWA.WAXFORM, using the same format as SASHELP.WAXFORM. When _SASWA.WAXFORM exists, the Expression Builder window displays the label Extensions, which lists the customized expression components, for example, My Informats and My Macros.

Note:   For more information about the Expression Builder window and how to define expressions, see the online Help that displays by clicking Help.  [cautionend]


To add your own expression components, create a SAS data set named _SASWA.WAXFORM, using the same format as SASHELP.WAXFORM. The format of SASHELP.WAXFORM is as follows:

Column Name Type Length Format Informat Label
category C 40 $40. $40. Primary categorization of expression component.
area C 40 $40. $40. Secondary categorization of the expression component that is specific to the category.
name C 40 $40. $40. Name of expression component.
desc C 200 $200. $200. Description of expression component.
text C 198 $198. $198. Text of expression component.
preblank N 8 BEST12. BEST32. Indicates whether a blank should be inserted before the text for this transformation. Less than 1 = no preceding blank. 1 or more = add a preceeding blank.
pstblank N 8 BEST12. BEST32. Indicates whether a blank should be inserted after the text for this transformation. Less than 1 = no succeeding blank. 1 or more = add a succeeding blank.
usedesc N 8 BEST12. BEST32. A variable used to determine if the description field entered for this component should replace the description for the expression. 1 replaces the description. 0 says that the description is for informational purposes.
active N 8 BEST12. BEST32. Indicates whether this entry is active. 1 = active entry and should appear as a component. 0=not active.

When _SASWA.WAXFORM exists, the Expression Builder window displays the label Extensions, which lists the customized expression components. The items in the components list are taken from the list of unique values of the CATEGORY column in _SASWA.WAXFORM.

Note the following when you create _SASWA.WAXFORM:

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