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Using This Document

Other SAS/Warehouse Administrator Documentation

The online help for SAS/Warehouse Administrator describes its windows and summarizes the main tasks that you can perform using the product. There are several ways to display the online help.

To display the table of contents for SAS/Warehouse Administrator help:

  1. Run SAS.

  2. From the menu bar, select Help, then SAS System Help.

  3. In the left panel of the help window, open Help on SAS Software Products, then scroll down to the SAS/Warehouse Administrator topic and expand it.

To display the help for an active window, click its Help button. If the window does not have a Help button, from the SAS menu bar, select Help, then Using This Window.

To display task-oriented topics that are associated with certain SAS/Warehouse Administrator windows:

  1. Display help for the window as described above.

  2. Scroll down to the bottom of the topic. Some windows have a link to a "Maintaining..." topic, which summarizes how to perform tasks that are associated with the window.

An online tutorial entitled Getting Started with SAS/Warehouse Administrator Software is available from the SAS Web site. This tutorial shows you how to add a new Warehouse Environment and walks you through creating a sample Data Warehouse.

Here are two ways to access the tutorial:

If you want to write programs that read or write SAS/Warehouse Administrator metadata without using the user interface, see SAS/Warehouse Administrator 2.3 Metadata API Reference.

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