add a new record after reading an existing record, set the RBA= variable
to a different value before you execute the PUT statement. The new
RBA value instructs VSAM not to update the last record retrieved with
an INPUT statement. Instead, it adds the data as a new record. (The
actual value in the RBA= variable is ignored because VSAM chooses
the RBA for a new record.)
data four;
set rbas;
infile myesds vsam rba=rbanum;
file myesds vsam;
if (rbanum= 1080) then do;
rbanum= 803;
lastname='Rubble ';
frstname='Barney ';
file myesds vsam ;
put @1 _infile_
@10 lastname
@20 frstname;
In the example, MYESDS
is read until RBANUM 1080 is found. Then a record is added after 1080
because changing the RBANUM cancels the update.
If you want to read
an ESDS sequentially while adding new records, specify the SEQUENTIAL
option and the RBA= option in the INFILE statement. (The SEQUENTIAL
option specifies sequential record retrieval when the RBA= direct
access option indicates direct record storage for the PUT statement.)