- dependency
a trigger condition that must be met before a
job can run in a scheduled flow.
- deployed job
a job that has been saved in a deployment directory
and can be scheduled.
- deployment directory
the location for generated SAS DATA step programs
that will be executed by the batch server as part of a scheduled flow.
- file event
a file-related occurrence that is used as a trigger
in a scheduled flow. For example, a file event occurs when a scheduling
server determines that a specified file exists.
- flow
a set of jobs and associated dependencies that
is scheduled in the Schedule Manager plug-in in SAS Management Console.
- job
a collection of SAS tasks that can create output.
- job event
a job-related occurrence that is used as a trigger
in a scheduled flow. For example, a job event occurs when the scheduling
server issues a command to determine whether a job ran successfully.
- job flow
a group of jobs and their dependencies, including
dependencies on other jobs, on files, or on specified dates and times.
- local data
data that is accessible through the file systems
on a computer. This includes data on hard drives or available through
network file systems.
- query
a set of instructions that requests particular
information from one or more data sources.
- remote data
data that is not accessible through the file systems
available to a computer. To use remote data, you must direct a SAS
server to access the data that is available through file systems on
the remote machine.
- SAS Management Console
a Java application that provides a single user
interface for performing SAS administrative tasks.
- scheduling server
a server that runs deployed jobs in a scheduled
flow. Before running a job, the scheduling server determines when
the schedule for the deployed job as well as all of the dependencies
for the job have been met.
- subquery
a query-expression that is nested as part of another
query- expression. Depending on the clause that contains it, a subquery
can return a single value or multiple values.
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