Create a Report

  1. On the SAS Visual Analytics home page, click Create Report. The designer opens with a new, empty report.
  2. Drag an object, such as a Bar Chart bar chart icon, from the left pane onto the canvas in the center of the screen.
  3. To add data:
    1. On the Data tab (in the left pane), click Select a data source. In the Add Data Source window, select a data source or click a link in the Import Data panel to add a new data source. Click Add.
      Note: For more details about importing data, see the SAS Visual Analytics: User's Guide.
    2. Drag a category category icon from the Data tab onto the Category label (at the bottom of the bar chart).
      A category has alphanumeric or date values that can be used as discrete groupings (for example, the values in a product category might include shoes and belts).
    3. Drag a measure measure icon from the Data tab onto the bar chart.
      A measure has numeric values that can be used as numbers (for example, the values in a sales measure might specify the quantity of units sold).
  4. Extend, enhance, and refine the report (as little or as much as you like). For ideas, see Cheat Sheet for Reports.
    If your session times out due to inactivity, any unsaved changes are lost. It is a good idea to save your work frequently.
  5. To save the report, select Filethen selectSave from the main menu. In the Save As window, select My Folder, and enter a name. Click Save.
  6. In the upper left corner of the designer, click home icon.
  7. On the home page, notice that the new report is in the My Content area.