E-mail a Report

You can e-mail a link to a report to someone using the designer. Here are some key points about what happens when a recipient clicks the link to a report:
  • If the recipient has already signed in to SAS, the report is displayed when the report link is clicked.
  • If the recipient is not signed in to SAS, they are prompted for a user ID and password. Starting in the 7.3 release, recipients can sign in as a guest by clicking Guest on the standard sign-in window for SAS applications.
  • If the recipient opens the e-mail message on a PC or Mac with a Flash-enabled viewer, and then clicks the e-mail link, then the report is displayed in SAS Visual Analytics Viewer (the viewer).
  • If the recipient opens the e-mail message on a mobile device, and then clicks the e-mail link, then the report is displayed using the SAS Visual Analytics App (previously called SAS Mobile BI) if the user has it installed.
Recipients who use SAS Home (the home page) can use the Application Shortcuts setting to specify which application opens the report when they click on an e-mail link. For more information about settings, refer to the online Help that is available for the home page.
Recipients who use the classic SAS Visual Analytics home page can use the Order the actions associated with a content type preference to specify which application opens the report when you click on an e-mail link. For more information, see Specifying Your Preferences for the Classic SAS Visual Analytics Home Page.
To e-mail a report from the designer:
  1. Select Filethen select E-mail. The new e-mail message opens in your default e-mail application.
    The designer automatically adds a subject line with the report name. The URL for the report is automatically generated and appears in the e-mail message.
    Note: Only locally installed e-mail clients are supported. If your default e-mail application is web-based (for example, Gmail), you cannot e-mail a report.
  2. Add recipients.
  3. (Optional) Revise the subject line.
  4. (Optional) Revise the e-mail message.
  5. Send the e-mail message.
Last updated: January 8, 2019