Your First Look at the Classic SAS Visual Analytics Home Page

The home page enables you to create new content in SAS Visual Analytics. In addition, it enables you to access content that you and others have created.
Starting in the 7.2 release, the home page has two appearances: modern and classic. The modern appearance is the default. You can specify the appearance in the modern home page settings or in the classic home page preferences.
Here are the features of the classic home page:
The Classic Home Page
The classic home page
1 The application bar enables you to return to the classic home page and to access other parts of SAS Visual Analytics and other SAS applications that integrate with the classic home page. You can access your recently created or viewed reports, explorations, stored processes, stored process reports, data queries, or other objects in your recent history. Buttons are displayed for each open application.
2 The menu bar enables you to access task options, such as creating reports, exploring data, managing your environment or favorites, setting your view, and getting help on using SAS Visual Analytics. You can search all SAS content from the menu bar, and you can sign out of SAS Visual Analytics.
3 The Create Content area provides icons to let you quickly explore data, create a new report, or prepare data, depending on your role, the associated capabilities, and your SAS software licenses. Other installed SAS applications might add actions to the Create Content area.
4 The My Content area lists any metadata objects that are created by a supported SAS application. For example, explorations, reports, queries, tables, stored processes, or stored process reports that you have opened or created recently are listed. It also lists any content that you have marked as a favorite or as part of a collection. Click Browse to explore folders to find a report, exploration, stored process, stored process report, table, or query.
Note: All tables are displayed because the classic home page does not distinguish between LASR tables and other tables.
5 The Common Actions section provides an alternate way for you to access features and other installed SAS applications. For more information, see Working with the Right Pane on the Classic Home Page.
6 The Links section provides links to pages that you have bookmarked. For more information, see Working with the Right Pane on the Classic Home Page.
7 The SAS Resources section provides links to the SAS website, the SAS Visual Analytics User Community, and to social media. For more information, see Working with the Right Pane on the Classic Home Page.
Note: Guest access does not provide individualized features on the classic home page, such as history or alerts. By default, a user with guest access has a Basic role and can access only the classic home page and the viewer. For more information, see Guest Access.
If you have the Theme Designer for Flex: Administration role in SAS Management Console, you can access the SAS Theme Designer for Flex from the More Actions item on the menu bar or in the Common Actions section.
Here is an example of the menu bar with the More Actions item.
Classic Home Page Menu Bar with the More Actions Item
Classic Home Page Menu Bar with the More Actions Item
Once you start using the classic home page, thumbnails enable you to open explorations, reports, stored processes, stored process reports, tables, queries, and folders that you have created or opened. The default view is secure, generic thumbnails that represent the content. An administrator can set a property that specifies the use of thumbnails that are shared and unique to each object. Shared thumbnails are unique for each individual report object, so each report looks different from other reports, and each exploration looks different from other explorations.
Generic thumbnails are distinguished by content type only. All reports look the same, but they appear different from explorations. Here are examples of the generic thumbnails that you might see on the classic home page:
Generic Thumbnails for an Exploration, a Report, and a Stored Process
generic thumbnails for an exploration, a report, and a stored process
You can choose to view the content on the classic home page as a list. To change your view, click the Views button on the menu bar, and then select Thumbnail or List. The default is Thumbnail.
Here is an example of the list view for the classic home page:
List View
List View
For more information about other parts of the SAS Visual Analytics interface, see the following topics: