About This Book


The features of SAS Visual Analytics are designed for the following users:
  • Persons needing to explore data in support of ad hoc business questions.
  • Persons responsible for designing and creating reports for their enterprise.
  • Persons responsible for analyzing report data and making decisions based on that data.
Persons responsible for managing SAS servers and managing the SAS Visual Analytics environment should refer to SAS Visual Analytics: Administration Guide.
The content of this document is also applicable to other SAS solutions that integrate with and use SAS Visual Analytics features.


Here are the prerequisites for using SAS Visual Analytics:
  • A user ID and password for logging on to SAS Visual Analytics.
  • A supported web browser installed on your desktop client.
  • A supported version of the Adobe Flash player installed on your desktop client.
  • Access to data sources that can be used to obtain data for exploration or reports.
Note: SAS Visual Statistics is visually and functionally integrated with SAS Visual Analytics Explorer. SAS Visual Statistics requires a separate license.
If you have questions about whether you are ready to use SAS Visual Analytics, contact your system administrator.

Documentation Conventions

This book uses short forms of the following phrases where the meaning is clear from context:
Long Form
Short Form
User Interface Labels1
SAS Home
the administrator
the explorer
the designer
(Create Report)
the graph builder
the viewer
the data builder
(Prepare Data)
1Labels in parentheses are used only in the classic (Flash) presentation mode.
2Not all SAS Visual Analytics orders include the explorer.