Export an Exploration as a PDF

To export your current exploration as a PDF:
  1. Select Filethen selectExportthen selectExploration as PDF.
  2. In the Export as PDF wizard, enter a Title and a Description for the PDF document. Then, select the following options:
    Page numbers
    specifies that the PDF document contains page numbers.
    Summary data
    specifies whether the PDF document contains summary data tables for each visualization.
    Filter descriptions
    specifies whether each visualization includes a description of its active filters.
    Click Next.
  3. Select the visualizations that you want to include in the PDF document.
    Note: The following types of visualizations are not available to include in the PDF document:
    • visualizations that do not contain any data
    • crosstabs
    • tables that contain more than 1,000 rows
    The Export as PDF window enables you to perform the following tasks:
    Add visualizations to the selection list.
    (Restore visualizations.)
    Select a visualization from the Available list, and then click the Add button, or click the Add all button to add all of the available visualizations.
    Remove visualizations from the selection list.
    (Minimize visualizations.)
    Select a visualization from the Selected list, and then click the Remove button, or click the Remove all button to remove all of the visualizations.
    Change the order of the selected visualizations.
    In the Selected list, drag and drop the visualizations in the order that you want, or select a visualization and click the up and down arrows to move it.
    Search the available visualizations.
    In the Search field, enter a string to search for. A visualization matches the search if the string appears anywhere in the visualization name.
    Only the matching visualizations appear in the Available list.
    Filter the available visualizations.
    Click the Additional search options button, and then select your filter parameters. You can filter either on the visualization type or on the data items that are used in each visualization.
    Only the matching visualizations appear in the Available list.
    Click Next.
  4. Click Finish to open a download window for your browser.
  5. Select the location where you want to save the PDF document.
Note: If the legend for a visualization is too large, then it is not included in the PDF document.