About Report Themes

Report themes are available in the designer. You can select a report theme for each report using the Styles tab. By default, the designer provides the following report themes: Application theme, SAS Light, SAS Dark, or SAS High Contrast. Your site might also have custom report themes. Custom report themes are automatically created when a coordinating custom application theme is created in SAS Theme Designer for Flex. For more information, see About Application Themes in SAS Visual Analytics.
Alternatively, you can set a preference for a default report theme. For more information, see Specifying Your Preferences for the Designer.
You can use the Styles tab in the designer to override the default report background color, prompt background color, font, and font color for the report theme. You can use the Reset Theme button on the Styles tab to reset the default report style when you have overridden the background color, font, or font color.
The Customize Theme button is displayed on the Styles tab for users who have the Customize Themes capability (through a direct or indirect role membership). For more information about application themes, see SAS Theme Designer for Flex: User's Guide.