Saving a Custom Graph Object So It Appears in the Designer

Custom graph objects are saved when you select either Filethen selectSave or Filethen selectSave As. Graph objects that are saved in the My Folder location are automatically displayed in the list of Custom objects on the designer’s Objects tab.
Graph objects that you save in public folders are not automatically displayed on the Objects tab. However, you can add the graph objects manually.
To add a graph object to the designer’s Objects tab:
  1. On the Objects tab in the designer, click action icon, and select Show or Hide Objects. The Show or Hide Objects window is displayed.
  2. Click Select custom. The Choose an Item window is displayed.
  3. Navigate to the graph object that you want to add.
  4. To search for a graph object, do the following:
    1. Click Search tool in the toolbar. The Search window is displayed.
    2. Enter the name of the graph object that you want to find.
    3. Click Search.
    As an alternative, you can search for all graph objects. Specify Graph template for Type.
  5. Select the graph object, and click OK.
    The selected graph object is now displayed with a check mark in the Show or Hide Objects window.
  6. Click OK. The Objects tab is updated.