Managing Your Filters

Set the Scope of a Filter (Global or Local)

A filter can be either local (applies only to the current visualization) or global (applies to all of the visualizations in the exploration).
To set the scope of a specific filter, click the Options drop-down list for the specific filter on the Filters tab, and then select Global Filter or Local Filter.
Note: If you change a global filter’s scope to local, then a local filter is created for all of the visualizations in the exploration.
Note: If local filters exist in your other visualizations for the same data item, then converting your local filter to a global filter will replace those local filters. A confirmation window enables you to continue or cancel.

Collapse or Expand a Filter

To collapse (minimize) or expand (restore) a filter, click the filter name on the Filters tab.
To collapse all of the filters in an area, click the Options drop-down list in the Global Filters area or in the Local Filters area on the Filters tab, and then select Collapse All Filters.
To expand all of the filters in an area, click the Options drop-down list in the Global Filters area or in the Local Filters area on the Filters tab, and then select Expand All Filters.

Delete a Filter

To delete a filter, click the Delete filter button beside the filter on the Filters tab, or click theOptions drop-down list for the specific filter, and then select Delete Filter.
You can delete all of the filters in an area by clicking the Options drop-down list in the Global Filters area or in the Local Filters area on the Filters tab, and then selecting Delete All Filters.
Note: If you delete a global filter, then the filter is removed from all of the visualizations in the exploration.

Resize the Global Filters and Local Filters Areas

To resize the Global Filters and Local Filters areas of the Filters tab, drag the resizing tab resize tab between the two areas.