Output Tables

About Output Tables

When you create a data query, you specify an output table on the Properties tab. When you save the data query, the output table is registered (or updated) in the metadata. When you run the data query, the physical output table is created, and then the metadata is updated. The metadata that is created when you save or run the data query enables you to use the table as a source table for another data query or another SAS application.
Subqueries do not require an output table. If you do not need to view the results of a data query that you intend to use as a subquery, you can click Clear in the Output section and still save the subquery. Then, you can drag and drop the subquery into a data query.
When you create a data query, the default output table name is OutputTable.

Specifying the Output Table

Every data query must have an output table in order to save the results in a table. How you specify the output table affects whether metadata is updated or created.
To specify an output table:
  1. Select the top-level data query object from the Properties tab.
  2. Specify an output table name, location, and library.
The following table shows alternative ways to specify an output table.
How To
Change the name of the output table. 1
Enter the new name in the Table field, and save the data query. All data queries, reports, explorations, and so on, still reference the same table object.
Create a new output table. 1
Click Clear, and then specify a table name, location, and library. This action disassociates the previously used output table.
Reuse an existing table.
Click Choose an output table button, and then browse for the table to use. This action disassociates the previously used output table.
1If you replace the default table name, OutputTable, with another name before you save the data query, the data builder registers a new output table and uses it with the data query.
You can enter a name that is up to 32 characters as the output table name. If a third-party vendor database product is used for the output table, then the number of characters might be less.
If you select a SAS LASR Analytic Server or SAS Data in HDFS library, the Partition by menu becomes available. After the settings for the output table are specified, the Staging section becomes available.
The following display shows an example of the Output and Staging properties.
Output and Staging Properties
Output and Staging Properties