E-mail a Report

You can e-mail a link to a report to someone. If the recipient opens the e-mail message on a PC or Mac with a Flash-enabled viewer, and then clicks the e-mail link, then the report is displayed in the viewer. If the recipient opens the e-mail message on a mobile device, and then clicks the e-mail link, then the report is displayed using the SAS Mobile BI app if the user has it installed.
Use the Order the actions associated with a content type preference for the SAS Visual Analytics home page to specify which application opens the report when you click on an e-mail link.
To e-mail a report from the designer:
  1. Select Filethen select E-mail. The E-mail window is displayed. The URL for the report is automatically generated, and a preview appears in the e-mail message.
    E-mail Window
  2. Enter the recipient’s e-mail address.
    Alternatively, click the To label. The Add Identities window is displayed. Select one or more names. Click OK to return to the E-mail window.
    Note: You can select a maximum of 100 e-mail recipients in the Add Identities window.
    Note: A user’s e-mail address must be stored in metadata to be displayed on the View All tab in the Add Identities window.
    Position your mouse pointer over the To field to see all of the recipients.
  3. (Optional) Enter a comment for the report.
  4. Click Send.