Add Display Rules to a Gauge

A display rule is used by a gauge to designate intervals and colors for ranges.
To specify a new display rule for a gauge:
  1. If it is not already selected, select the gauge in the canvas that you want to update.
  2. In the right pane, click the Display Rules tab.
    Here is an example of the Display Rules tab for a dial gauge:
    Display Rules Tab for a Dial Gauge
  3. Specify (or modify) the display rules for the gauge. You can populate intervals, edit the display rule, and specify the Type.
    To automatically populate the intervals:
    1. Click populate interval icon to display the Populate Intervals window.
    2. Enter a number for Target value.
    3. Click OK. The gauge updates with the new display rule.
    To edit the display rule for a gauge:
    1. Click edit icon to display the Edit Display Rule window.
      Edit Display Rule Window
    2. Select a Type. Your choices are either Use a Shared Display Rule or Specify Intervals.
      If you select Specify Intervals, then the window contents change so that you can add intervals. Here is an example:
      Specifying Intervals in the Edit Display Rules Window
      Update the conditions for the values, the intervals, and the color for the range. Select a color to open the color palette. To add new intervals to the display rule, enter a number and click Add. Select the Save as a shared Display Rule check box and specify a Name if you want to save the display rule.
    3. Click OK. The gauge updates with the new display rule.