Editing a Calculated, Aggregated, or Derived Data Item

Open the Editor Window

To edit a duplicate data item, an aggregated measure, a calculated data item, or a derived data item, right–click the item in the Data pane, and then select Edit.
Note: You cannot edit a Percent of Total or Percent of Subtotals derived item.

Specify the Item Name

To specify the name for the item, enter a name in the Name field.

Edit a Parameter Value

To edit a parameter value, select the parameter, and enter a new value. Or, right-click the parameter field, and select Replace with to select a data item.
To specify a missing value, enter a period (.)character.

Add an Operator

To add an operator to the expression:
  1. From the Operators list, select the operator that you want to add. For a list of the operators that are available, see Operators for Data Expressions.
  2. Drag and drop the operator onto the expression.
  3. For any required parameters, select the parameter, and enter a value. Or, right-click the parameter field, and select Replace with to select a data item.

Replace an Operator

To replace an operator, drag and drop a new operator onto the existing operator in the expression. You can also right-click an operator in your expression, and select Replace Operator withthen selectoperator.

Delete Part of an Expression

To delete a part of an expression, highlight the part of the expression that you want to delete, right-click, and then select Delete or Clear.

Subset an Expression

To subset an expression and delete the remainder:
  1. Highlight the part of the expression that you want to keep.
  2. Right-click, and select Keep Operand. The parts of the expression that were not selected are removed.

Edit an Expression as Text

On the Text tab of the expression editor, you can edit an expression as text code. See Editing a Data Expression in Text Mode.

Display the Current Expression as Text

To display the current expression as text on the Display Text tab, click the Options drop-down, and then select Show display text.

Manage the Scratch Area

The scratch area of the expression editor enables you to store elements of an expression, and then add them back into the expression as needed.
You can see the contents of the scratch area on the Scratch tab.
To move items to the scratch area, right-click part of the expression, and select Move to Scratch Area. You can also drag and drop items from your expression onto the Scratch tab.
To move an item from the scratch area to your expression, drag and drop the item from the Scratch tab onto your expression.
To delete an item in the scratch area, click the Delete Item button next to the item.

Preview an Expression (Calculated Data Items Only)

For calculated data items, you can preview the results of your expression by clicking Preview.
You can preview the results of a subset of your expression by right-clicking a part of your expression, and then selecting Preview Subexpression Results.