Overview of Display Rules

Display rules include all types of highlighting of report objects. They provide a flexible structure to specify conditions. There are several types of display rules. Display rules enable conditions to be shared across objects, but not all display rules apply across all report object types.
SAS Visual Analytics Designer (the designer) provides the following interfaces for display rules:
  • The Display Rules tab in the right pane enables you to populate intervals, add intervals, or add color-mapped values for the report object, which is currently selected in the canvas. You can use this pane to specify both report-level or object-level display rules, depending on what you have selected in the canvas.
  • The Shared Rules tab enables you to create a new display rule for a gauge, which is used by other gauges to designate intervals and colors for ranges. You can also edit or delete an existing shared display rule. These rules are shared across multiple gauges and can be created at any time.
For list tables and graphs, you can create display rules that reference a measure that is not included in the currently displayed report object. This feature is not available for crosstabs.
Note: Color-mapped display rules are not allowed if there are two or more overlays of a bar, line, or time series in graphs that have multiple overlays (for example, a dual axis bar chart or a custom graph).
There are limitations to where display rules can be used in the designer. The following report objects do not support display rules:
  • dual axis bar charts
  • dual axis bar-line charts
  • dual axis line charts
  • dual axis time series plots
The following report objects that are imported from SAS Visual Analytics Explorer (the explorer) or created in SAS Visual Analytics Graph Builder (the graph builder) do not support display rules:
  • heat maps (which are imported from the explorer)
  • band plots (which are created in the graph builder)
  • step plots (which are created in the graph builder)
  • schedule charts (which are created in the graph builder)