Specifying Your Preferences for the Designer

Specify Global Preferences

To specify global SAS preferences, see Specify Global Preferences.

Specify General Preferences

To specify general preferences for SAS Visual Analytics, see Specify the SAS Visual Analytics General Preferences.

Specify Preferences for the Designer

To specify preferences that are specific to the designer:
  1. Select Filethen selectPreferences to open the Preferences window.
  2. Select SAS Visual Analytics Designerthen selectGeneral.
  3. Specify your Report preferences.
    • Specify your default view for new or existing reports. Select Full screen, Tablet, or Wide-screen tablet.
    • Select your default report theme. Select Application theme, SAS Light, SAS Dark, or SAS High Contrast.
  4. Specify your Geo Map preferences.
    • Select your default Map provider mode. Your choices are OpenStreetMap and Esri.
    • If you select Esri as the map provider, you can specify the Esri map service in the Esri Map Service Selector window. Your choices in the Esri Map Service Selector window depend on your site’s local Esri server.
      Note: The Esri option is available only if your site has its own Esri server and if your system administrator has set the va.SASGeomapEsriURL configuration property in SAS Management Console.
  5. Specify your Data Tab preference. If you are trying to optimize performance, then select the Bypass cardinality checks check box.
    Note: If you select the Bypass cardinality checks check box, then the distinct counts of data items are not displayed on the Data tab.
  6. Click OK to apply your changes.