The pivot by feature
provides an easy and powerful way to summarize data for analytics.
You can specify a column to use as a categorical variable and the
unique values to use. When the query is run, the output table is summarized
with the aggregations that you apply.
To use the pivot by
On the
Editor tab, place your pointer in the
By cell for the column to use as the pivot column. Click
the ellipsis button to select the pivot column and values.
In the
Values dialog box, select the pivot by column. You can
enter search criteria in
Filter fields to
filter the column names.
The following display
shows an example of pivoting by three values in the Product_Category
Pivot Values
After the unique values
for the column are loaded, select the check boxes for the values to
use in the summarization. Click
The following display
shows an example of the
Column Editor tab
when a pivot by column is used. The minimum and maximum Total_Retail_Price
are calculated for each Customer_ID and are then pivoted by (transposed
by) three values of the Product_Category column.
Column Editor Tab with a Pivot By Column
TRP is specified as a label
for the Total_Retail_Price column. Look at the next display to see
how the label is used to create labels for the new columns.
The following display
shows how pivoting the Customer_ID column by three values of the Product_Category
column results in additional output columns. A substring of the pivot
by values is used as a prefix to each column name and the aggregate
function is used as a suffix. The pivot by column label and aggregate
function are used in the output column label.
Output Columns Tab with Pivot By Values