Working with Histograms

About Histograms

A histogram displays the distribution of values for a single measure. A series of bars represents the number of observations in the measure that match a specific value or value range. The bar height can represent either the exact number of observations or the percentage of all observations for each value range.
Note: If you use the default number of bins, then the minimum and maximum values on the histogram axis might not match the actual extent of your data values. If you specify the number of histogram bins, then the histogram axis matches your data values exactly.

Specify Properties for a Histogram

On the Properties tab, you can specify the following options:
specifies the name of the visualization.
specifies the title that appears above the graph.
Note: The Title option is disabled if you select Generate graph titles.
Generate graph titles
specifies that the graph title is generated automatically based on the data items in the visualization.
Show grid lines
displays grid lines for each tick on the response axis.
Bar direction
specifies whether the bars are vertical or horizontal.
specifies whether the frequency is displayed as a count (Count) or as a percentage (Percent).
Note: The frequency values are based on the data that is shown in the visualization (after filters and other data selections have been applied).
Use default bin count
specifies whether to use the default number of bins (value ranges) for the histogram. The default number of bins is determined by the number of data values in your histogram.
Bin count
specifies the number of bins (value ranges) for the histogram.

Data Roles for a Histogram

The basic data role for a histogram is a measure. You can assign only one measure to a histogram.