Connecting to Your Library Server for the First Time

To connect to a new server:
  1. Tap Library in My Portfolio.
  2. Tap Configure and Connect in the Welcome window.
  3. Tap the User ID field and enter your user ID.
    Note: Contact your SAS Visual Analytics administrator for your user ID, password, and server information.
  4. Tap the Password field and enter your password.
  5. Tap the Server field and enter the new server.
  6. Tap the Description field and enter a description for the new connection.
  7. Tap Next to verify the connection.
  8. Tap Save. The connection is saved and the Connections window closes.
    Note: If the connection fails, swipe the Connections window to scroll up. Make sure that the connection settings are correct. Your SAS Visual Analytics administrator can confirm these settings for you.
Information about available reports is automatically downloaded and appears in the Library.