Viewing Basic File Information

To view basic file information, select a file in the HDFS content explorer. The following display shows an example:
Basic File Information
Sample HDFS content explorer display
The following information about a file is provided:
Basic File Information
Specifies the name of the file.
Specifies the number of bytes that are used to store the file. This value includes the disk space required to store the data in blocks and metadata about the file.
Date Modified
Specifies the date that the file was created or replaced.
Specifies the HDFS directory.
Number of copies
Specifies the number of redundant copies of the data.
Block size
Specifies the number of bytes that are used to store each block of data.
Specifies the user account that added the data to HDFS.
Specifies the primary UNIX group for the user account.
Specifies the Read, Write, and Execute access permissions for owner, group, and other.
Specifies that the file is in the special format that is created by the data preparation interface.
Note: The HDFS content explorer can show many files for a table as it is added to HDFS. These entries disappear once the action completes.