Adding Comments to Reports and Explorations on the Home Page

You can use the object inspector on the home page to add comments to a report or to respond to existing comments for a report or an exploration.
To add a comment:
  1. Click a report to open the object inspector.
  2. Click Comments in the lower right corner to expand the dialog box.
  3. Click New Topic to open the New Topic dialog box.
  4. Enter a topic name and a comment. Here is an example:
    New Topic Dialog Box for Adding Comments
    New Topic Dialog Box for Adding Comments
  5. (Optional) Set a priority for the comment using the drop-down list. You can select Normal, High, or Low. If you set the priority to High, then a visual flag will be added to the comment.
  6. (Optional) Click Attachment to add a file or image to your comment.
  7. Click Save. The comment link in the object inspector will update to show that there is a comment.
To respond to an existing comment:
  1. Click a report to open the object inspector.
  2. Click Comments in the lower right corner to expand the dialog box.
  3. Click Reply to open the comment dialog box.
  4. Enter a comment. Here is an example:
    Dialog Box for Replying to a Comment
    Dialog Box for Replying to a Comment
  5. (Optional) Set a priority for the reply using the drop-down list. You can select Normal, High, or Low.
  6. (Optional) Click Attachment to add a file or image to your reply.
  7. Click Save. The comment link in the object inspector will update to show the number of comments.