Adding Calculated Columns

Variables can be added to the prepared data. The values can be based on variables from the source table, a joined table, or even a constant value. The added variable can even be calculated from a variable that is dropped from a joined table or the source table.
The following fields are available on the Calculated Columns Drill-In page after add is clicked:
Calculated Columns Drill-In Fields
Field Name
Specify a name for the calculated column to add to the prepared data. A default name of DataItemn is provided.
Specify a description for the column. This value is used as a column label.
Select a value from the menu.
Functions tab
Select a value from the Category menu to reduce the list of functions to those associated with the category.
When you select a function from the list, the function description is provided in the area below the function list. Click Insert or double-click the function name to use the function for the calculated column.
Columns tab
Click the Columns tab to select a column from the source or joined tables to use in the calculated column. Click Insert or double-click the column name to use it for the calculated column.
Constant values, whether numeric or character, can be specified directly into the expression instead of calculating the column based on a value in the input data.
Arithmetic and logic operators
Click the button for the arithmetic or logic operator to insert. Buttons for inserting a concatenation operator and enclosing expressions in quotation marks and parenthesis are also available.
Once the expression for the calculated column is complete, click the Data Preparation: column-name button near the top of the page to return to the Calculated Columns page.