Using Gauges to Display Results

Overview of the Gauge Types

A gauge displays the status or measure of a variable or variables in relation to a target, goal, or interval. Gauges are designed to achieve this goal in a way that is familiar to users. Many gauges can be found in real-life objects such as cars or machines. Gauges can be used to display a quantity, range, variable, or status.
The following gauges are available in the designer interface:
A Bullet Gauge
A Bullet Gauge
A Slider Gauge
A Slider Gauge
A Thermometer Gauge
A Thermometer Gauge
A Dial Gauge
A Dial Gauge
A Speedometer Gauge
A Speedometer Gauge

Inserting a Gauge into a Report

To insert a gauge into a report:
  • Drag the gauge icon from the Objects tab in the left panel and drop it onto the report canvas.
  • Select Insertthen selectGauges and then select the menu item for the gauge object that you want to insert. The gauge is automatically placed in the report canvas. If you want the gauge to appear in a different place, then drag and drop it in a new location.
The following table lists the available gauge objects:
Gauge Type
bullet icon
slider icon
thermometer icon
dial icon
speedometer icon

Specify General Gauge Properties

To specify general properties for gauges:
  1. If not already selected, select the gauge that you want to update.
  2. In the right panel, click the Properties tab.
  3. Update the general properties for the gauge. The available properties depend on the selected gauge type. For example, for a dial gauge, you can specify General and KPI Chart properties. Here is an example of the properties for a dial gauge:
    Properties for a Dial Gauge
    Properties for a Dial Gauge

Specify Gauge Styles

To specify styles for gauges:
  1. If not already selected, select the gauge that you want to update.
  2. In the right panel, click the Styles tab.
  3. Update the styles for the gauge. The available styles depend on the selected gauge type. For example, for a pie chart, you can specify Data Styling, Frame Styling, and Text Styling. Here is an example of the styles for a dial gauge:
    Styles for a Dial Gauge
    Styles for a Dial Gauge

Specify a Gauge Display Rule

A display rule is used by a gauge to designate intervals and colors for ranges. To specify the display rule for gauges:
  1. If not already selected, select the gauge that you want to update.
  2. In the right panel, click the Display Rule tab.
  3. Update the display rules for the gauge. You can populate intervals, edit the display rule, and specify the Type. Here is an example of the display for a dial gauge:
    Display Rule for a Dial Gauge
    Display Rule for a Dial Gauge
    To populate the intervals:
    1. Click interval icon to display the Populate Intervals dialog box.
      Populate Intervals Dialog Box
      Populate Intervals Dialog Box
    2. Enter a number for Target value.
    3. Click OK.
    To edit the display rule:
    1. Click edit icon to display the Edit Display Rule dialog box.
      Edit Display Rule Dialog Box
      Edit Display Rule Dialog Box
    2. Select a Type. Your choices are either Use a Shared Display Rule or Specify Intervals.
      If you select Specify Intervals, then the dialog box contents change so that you can add intervals. Here is an example:
      Specifying Intervals in the Edit Display Rules Dialog Box
      Specifying Intervals in the Edit Display Rules Dialog Box
      Update the conditions for the values, the intervals, and the color for the range. Select a color to open the color picker. To add new intervals to the display rule, enter a number and click Add. Select the Save as a shared Display Rule check box and specify a Name if you want to save the display rule.
    3. Click OK.