Specifying Console Preferences

To specify your preferences:
  1. Click Console Management from the toolbar.
  2. Click Console Configuration and then click User Interface.
  3. The most important setting for a SAS Visual Analytics deployment is to make sure that the HPC Environment being managed menu is set to SAS High Performance Business Intelligence.
    The following table identifies the options that are available:
    SAS High-Performance Computing Management Console User Interface Options
    Page background
    Normal text
    Table background
    Table header
    Link text
    Specify the color to use for each of these options as the RGB hexadecimal code for a color.
    Display titles as text?
    Specifies whether any title is displayed as text in the console. The default value is No.
    Display login and hostname (for non-framed themes)
    Specify the location of the client login and host name when non-framed themes are used. Use the menu to select a choice. The default value is At bottom of browser.
    Hostname to display in the Management Console
    This option enables you to specify the how the host name for the SAS High-Performance Computing Management Console is displayed to clients. Use the menu to select a choice. The default value is Real hostname.
    Prepend username to page titles?
    Prepend hostname to page titles?
    Specify whether the user name or host name of the connected user appears in the page title bar of the Web browser.
    Format for displayed dates
    Specify how the date is displayed in the console. Use the menu to select a choice. The default value is dd/mon/yyyy.
    File chooser size
    User chooser size
    Multiple users chooser size
    Date selector size
    Module chooser size
    Multiple modules chooser size
    Specify the size (in pixels) to use for the dialog box for each of these options. The default value is to use the minimum number of pixels that are needed to display the contents of the dialog box.
    HPC Environment being managed
    For a SAS Visual Analytics deployment, select SAS High Performance Business Intelligence.
  4. Click Save.