Log On to SAS Visual Analytics

SAS Web Visual Analytics uses the standard logon window for SAS applications.
To log on to SAS Visual Analytics:
  1. To display the SAS Visual Analytics logon window, click on the URL that is supplied by your system administrator or paste it into the address field of your browser. For example, you might enter http://server01.abc.com:8080/SASVisualAnalyticsHub/
    Log On Window for SAS Visual Analytics
    Log On Window for SAS Visual Analytics
  2. To log on to SAS Visual Analytics:
    1. In the User ID field, type your user ID.
    2. In the Password field, type the password for the user ID that you just entered.
    3. Click Log On.
    The SAS Visual Analytics home page appears.
Note: Your password is case-sensitive. Your user ID might be case-sensitive, depending on the operating system that is used to host the Web application server. If you need assistance, contact your system administrator.