Managing Mobile Devices

The SAS Visual Analytics mobile device administration interface is easy to use. To perform tasks such as viewing, sorting, filtering, or blacklisting a mobile device:
  1. Log on to SAS Visual Analytics.
  2. Click the Prepare Data icon.
  3. Click Mobile Devices.
  4. On the main page for SAS Mobile Device Administration, select Logon History.
  5. To sort the items in the columns in either ascending or descending order, click the column heading for any column on this page.
  6. To filter and view selected data about mobile devices:
    1. From theFilter menu, select an item (for example, Device Type). Then, enter a valid value in the field (for example, iPad), and click Apply.
      The value that you specified for the filter determines the type of data that is displayed.
    2. To view the entire history of events (for example, various application versions that were used by devices) associated with the item that you specified in thee Filter, field, select the Include Device History check box.
  7. To add a mobile device to the blacklist:
    1. Click the device in the Device ID field on the Logon History page.
      You are prompted by a dialog box with a question asking if you are sure that you want to blacklist this device.
    2. Click Yes.
      The mobile device is added to the list of blacklisted devices on the Manage Blacklist page. The Action column indicates the status of this device (whether it as blacklisted or not), and the Result column indicates whether your action was successful. Blacklisted mobile devices cannot be used to access the SAS Visual Analytics suite of applications.
  8. To remove a mobile device from the blacklist, select the device on the Manage Blacklist page. Then, click the X icon.
    You are prompted by dialog box asking you to confirm your action. Click Yes.
  9. To view blacklisted mobile devices or confirm that a device was blacklisted, click Blacklist History.
    In the table on this page:
    • The Admin ID column displays the user name of the administrator who blacklisted the device.
    • The Device ID column displays the name of the blacklisted device.
    • The Action column displays the type of action that was performed for the mobile device.
    • The Result column indicates whether the attempt to blacklist a mobile device was successful.
    • The Timestamp column displays the date and time when a specific mobile device was blacklisted.
  10. To search for a blacklisted mobile device either by the device ID or the administrator ID, click Manage Blacklist. Then, select Admin ID or Device ID from the drop-down menu for Filter. Click Apply.
    The mobile devices that meet the criteria that you specified are displayed.