Using Tables to Display Results

Overview of the Table Types

About List Tables

A list table is a two-dimensional representation of data in which the data values are arranged in unlabeled rows and labeled columns. List tables are applicable when you select data items from a data source.
A List Table
A List Table

About Crosstabs

A crosstab (also known as a crosstabulation table) shows an aggregate metric for the intersections of two or more categories. In a crosstab, categories are typically displayed on both the columns and the rows, and each cell value represents the aggregated measure from the intersection of the categories on the specific row and column. This type of table uses less space than a list table and is easier to read because data is grouped both horizontally and vertically.
A Crosstab
A Crosstab

Insert a Table into a Report

To insert a table into a report:
  • Drag the table icon from the Objects tab in the left panel and drop it onto the report canvas.
  • Select Insertthen selectTables and then select the menu item for the table object that you want to insert. The table is automatically placed in the report canvas. If you want the table to appear in a different place, then drag and drop it in a new location.
The following table lists the available table objects:
Table Type
list table icon
list table
crosstab icon

Specify General Table Properties

To specify general properties for tables:
  1. In the right panel, click the Properties tab.
  2. Update the general properties for the table. Your choices are Name, Title, and Description. Here is an example of the properties for crosstabs:
    Properties for a Crosstab
    Properties for a Crosstab

Specify Table Styles

To specify styles for tables:
  1. If not already selected, select the table that you want to update.
  2. In the right panel, click the Styles tab.
  3. Update the styles for the table. For a list table, you can customize the colors of Cells and Column headers. For crosstabs, you can customize the colors of Cells, Row headers, Column headers, and Measure headers. Here is an example of the styles for crosstabs:
    Styles for a Crosstab
    Styles for a Crosstab