Once the program has
been successfully run, and the web application server has been restarted,
SAS Visual Analytics will have access to these new polygons. The program will
have output a data set in the MAPSCSTM library that contains a single
record for each region generated by the program. The following steps will
enable the testing of individual or multiple polygons based on assigned
Sign in to SAS Visual
Analytics as a user with exploration and data upload capabilities.
Create a new exploration.
Select a data source.
Import Data
SAS Data Set
Navigate to the MAPSCSTM
location, and select the file that has the polygon name that you want
to test (for example, US_COUNTIES1_VALIDATE.sas7bdat).
In the
Data pane,
right-click ID, and then select
Subdivision (State, Province) SAS Map ID Values. More information about geographic data items can
be found in the online documentation for SAS Visual Analytics.
In the
Data pane,
right-click NAME, and then select
Subdivision (State, Province) Names. From the
Country or Region drop-down
list, select the region label that you specified in the custom polygon
deployment program.
Create a new geo map
visualization, and then assign either the NAME data item or the ID
data item. On the
Roles tab, change the
Style to
Regions and assign
a measure to the
Color role.
The geo map visualization
should now display the custom polygons. Some polygons might not be
displayed if the polygons are too close. If there are too many polygons,
then an error message might appear.
On the Filters tab,
add the ID or NAME data items as filters to inspect the custom polygons
more closely.