About auditRefresh


To manage the size of the full AUDIT_VISUALANALYTICS table in the autoload data directory (drop zone) for administrative data, auditRefresh periodically performs these tasks:
  • delete records of a specified age
  • refresh the corresponding LASR table
Note: auditRefresh functionality is provided by scripts, programs, and directories that are very similar to an implementation of autoload. Unlike autoload, auditRefresh is applicable to only one LASR library, the administrative data library (EVDMLA). There is no reason to create additional implementations of the auditRefresh task.
Note: auditRefresh addresses one of several measures for managing audit data. For the full picture, see Key Actions Auditing.

Start auditRefresh

  1. Log on to the autoload host as the scheduler account that you identified or created when you started the administrative data implementation of autoload.
  2. Navigate to the associated scripts directory.
  3. Invoke auditRefreshSchedule.sh (on UNIX) or auditRefreshSchedule.bat (on Windows).
  4. Verify that the scheduled task is running.
    Windows Specifics: Access the Task Scheduler (for example, select Startthen selectControl Panelthen selectSystem and Securitythen selectAdministrative Toolsthen selectTask Scheduler). Locate the task Environment Manager LASR - Audit Table Refresh in the Task Scheduler Library.
    UNIX Specifics: Run the command: crontab -l

Stop auditRefresh

To stop auditRefresh, use the scheduler account to invoke auditRefreshUnschedule.sh (on UNIX) or auditRefreshUnschedule.bat (on Windows). Stopping auditRefresh does not stop the audit data feed, autoload, or the associated SAS LASR Analytic Server.

Reduce the Task Frequency

Initially, auditRefresh runs daily. To purge old records less frequently, modify the associated schedule script. It is a good practice to make a backup copy of the script before you make changes.
Windows Specifics: In the auditRefreshSchedule.bat script, change the value for TIME_INTERVAL_DAYS= . The initial value is 1.
UNIX Specifics: In the auditRefreshSchedule.sh script, change the string that is highlighted in the following line:
cat <(fgrep -i -v $AUDIT_RUNSAS_PATH <(crontab -l))
<(echo "0 0 * * * $AUDIT_RUNSAS_PATH") | crontab -
The initial syntax schedules the task to run nightly, at midnight. You might find it helpful to use a site such as www.cronchecker.net to verify your cron command syntax.

Change the Purge Boundary

Initially, records that are more than 30 days old are purged. To purge younger or older records, change the auditinterval= setting in the AuditRefresh.sas file.

Logs and Process IDs for auditRefresh

Logs and process ID (PID) files for auditRefresh are co-located with the EVDMLA autoload logs and PID files. See Logs and Process IDs for Autoload.
Last updated: December 18, 2018