Create a Data Source

To create a data source:
  1. Right-click the Data Sources folder in the Project Panel and select Create Data Source.
    Create Data Source
    The Data Source wizard appears.
  2. Select SAS Table in the Source drop-down menu.
  3. Click Next.
    The Select a SAS Table window appears.
  4. Click Browse.
  5. Click the SAS library named Mylib in the library tree.
    The Mylib library folder contents are displayed on the Select a SAS Table dialog box.
    Note: If you do not see SAS data files in the Mylib folder, click Refresh.
  6. Select the Vaerext_serious table.
  7. Click OK.
    The two-level name MYLIB.VAEREXT_SERIOUS is displayed in the Table field.
  8. Click Next.
    The Table Information page appears.
  9. Click Next.
    The Metadata Advisor Options page appears.
  10. Select Advanced.
  11. Click Next.
    The Column Metadata page appears.
  12. Select the following variable roles by clicking the role value for each variable value and selecting the indicated value from the drop-down list.
    • Set the role for V_ADMINBY to Input.
    • Set the role for V_FUNDBY to Input.
    • Set the role for serious to Target.
  13. Click Next.
    The Decision Configuration page appears.
  14. Click Next.
    The Create Sample page appears.
  15. Click Next.
    The Data Source Attributes page appears.
  16. Click Next.
    The Summary page appears.
  17. Click Finish.
    The VAEREXT_SERIOUS table is added to the Data Sources folder in the Project Panel.