

This book is intended for users who are new to SAS Text Miner. The first seven chapters illustrate how you can use SAS Text Miner nodes in the context of a hypothetical text mining analysis. After completing these chapters, you should be able to create projects, process flow diagrams, understand how you can set properties for SAS Text Miner nodes, run them, and explore the results.
Chapters 8 to 13 provide additional examples about the following SAS Text Miner nodes.
  • The Text Import Node
  • The Text Parsing Node
  • The Text Filter Node
  • The Text Cluster Node
  • The Text Topic Node
  • The Text Rule Builder Node
The final two chapters provide some text mining tips and a quick look at additional features.
See the SAS Text Miner help for more information about the text mining process or any of the SAS Text Miner nodes.